Author: kingswaybiblec

The 12 Blessings of Local Church Membership

The 12 Blessings of Local Church Membership

Join King’s Way Bible Church and Pastor Dale Partridge as we explore the concept of church membership and how in today’s context it’s often overlooked. Our aim is to present a strong biblical case to show how church membership is a foundational and valuable role within the body of Christ. We’ll delve into the understanding...

The Reformed View of the Lord’s Supper

The Reformed View of the Lord’s Supper

Welcome to the concluding episode of a five-part series by Pastor Dale Partridge on the sacraments. In this final installment, we dive into the true meaning of the Lord’s Supper, seeking to define, comprehend, and align our practice with scriptural principles. We address three pivotal questions: Who should partake in the Lord’s Supper? How should...

Ephesians 2:1-5: The Greatest Underdog Story Ever Told

Ephesians 2:1-5: The Greatest Underdog Story Ever Told

In this sermon, Pastor Dale Partridge of King’s Way Bible Church explores Ephesians 2:1-5, a captivating underdog story that challenges conventional narratives of deservingness. Unlike tales of good people receiving what they merit, this is a unique narrative of undeserving individuals receiving grace. We encourage listeners to reflect on the gospel’s depth and ask themselves...

The 7 Biblical Expectations of Local Church Members

The 7 Biblical Expectations of Local Church Members

In this sermon, Pastor Dale Partridge will explore the seven biblical expectations for local church members, focusing on the responsibilities of the members rather than just the blessings received. He emphasizes that the Christian life involves a two-way street, with church membership akin to going to the gym rather than the movies, where active participation...

Defending Infant Baptism in Light of Jeremiah 31

Defending Infant Baptism in Light of Jeremiah 31

The primary argument often raised by Baptists against infant baptism centers around the prophecy found in Jeremiah 31:31-34 concerning the New Covenant. In this sermon, Pastor Dale Partridge thoroughly examines this passage, presents the core Baptist objections, and provides his reasoned responses. Through this sermon, listeners can gain a deeper understanding of the theological foundations...

A Sacred Start: Why Infants Belong in the Waters of Grace

A Sacred Start: Why Infants Belong in the Waters of Grace

Sermon Summary In our ongoing sermon series on the sacraments, we recently examined how standardization and equalization have affected the sacred nature of these biblical practices. In this sermon, we take this series into the Sacrament of Baptism. This message explores the significance of baptism and delves into its biblical foundation, including the often debated...

What is the Reformed View of the Sacraments?

What is the Reformed View of the Sacraments?

Sermon Summary The Reformed view of the sacraments emphasizes two primary sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. These sacraments are seen as symbolic representations of spiritual realities. Baptism is viewed as a sign and seal of God’s covenant and initiation into the Christian community, while the Lord’s Supper commemorates Christ’s sacrifice and serves as a...

Romans 6:15-19: Obedience Reflects Ownership

Romans 6:15-19: Obedience Reflects Ownership

Biblical Text Romans 6:15-19: ‘What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience,...