Weekly Men’s Meeting
When: Thursdays at 6:45-8:30 pm
The men of King’s Way gather each week for two hours in the evening for fellowship, theological development, and prayer. Also, watch for special events, including classes, golfing, hunting, and dinners. For more information about men’s ministry at King’s Way, please get in touch with Joshua Wills at Joshua@kingswaybible.org or through the link below.

Bi-Weekly Women’s Meeting
When: Every other Tuesday at 6:45 pm
The women of King’s Way gather on Tuesday nights in the homes of our members. From fellowship and prayer to practical skills and book studies, our ladies gather to become Titus 2 Women. If you are interested in getting involved with the women’s ministry at King’s Way, please feel free to contact Deacon Joshua Wills at Joshua@kingswaybible.org, or through the button provided below.